Asked by: Caryn Gardeazabal
Asked in category: personal finance, student financial aid
Last Updated: 5th May 2024

What is UC DAAP?

About. Year after year, the College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning at the University of Cincinnati is ranked amongst the best in both a national and international class.

Similar to the above, it is also asked what Daap stands for.

Design, Architecture, Art and Planning

How do I apply for Daap as well?

  1. The Next Steps for Undergraduates
  2. Step 1: Visit the DAAP website for more information about our undergraduate programs.
  3. Step 2:Visit us!
  4. Step 3: Contact DAAP Student Affairs at [emailAprotected] , or 513-556-1376 if you have any questions or concerns.
  5. Step 4: Apply to be admitted

You should also know how difficult it is to get into Daap.

It is not difficult to get into the university. The average GPA is 3.3, and the average SAT score is 1103. UC is rated as a third-tier university by several college guides. This rating could be undeserved.

Who designed the DAAP Building?

architect Peter Eisenman