Asked by: Jiawen Villameriel
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is towards the midline of the body?

Medial: To the body's midline (median plan). Lateral: To the side of the body. Proximal (Towards the point of attachment to your body).

What is the midline of your body?

The spine is the midline of your body. It runs from the base to the sacrum and ends at the coccyx. It is the structural and functional center of the body, connecting the top, middle and bottom.

You might also wonder, "What are the anatomical positions" of the body? The anatomical position of the body is straight up, with the eyes facing forward, and the feet pointed in the opposite direction. The body's upper limbs face forward with the palms facing in.

What does it mean to get away from the midline?

Anterior refers to the front (chest side), posterior refers to the back. Medial and Lateral. Medial refers to the midline of your body. Lateral refers to the distance from the midline.

Which is more upward or which is more towards the head?

Cranial: To the head instead of caudad. Deep: Farther from the exterior or further into your body, as opposed to to superficial. Distal: A further distance from the beginning as opposed to toproximal. Ventral: The ventral is the dorsal.