Asked by: Samira Chulilla
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is the vision like when you have glaucoma

People may be taught that glaucoma can cause loss of peripheral vision. This could help them ignore early signs. Patients with mild or early glaucoma reported the following symptoms: needing more light, blurry eyesight and seeing glare.

Also, how can glaucoma impact your vision?

An increase in pressure within your eye (called intraocular pressure) can cause damage to your optic nerve. This nerve sends images back to your brain. If damage gets worse, Glaucoma can lead to permanent sight loss, or even complete blindness in a matter of years. Glaucoma is not characterized by pain or early symptoms.

What is the first sign that you have glaucoma, and what are your options? Blindness can result if the entire optic nerve is damaged. Other symptoms are usually related to an increase in IOP, especially acute angle-closure, glaucoma. They include blurred vision and halos around lights.

Keep this in mind: How long does it take for glaucoma to make you blind?

Glaucoma can't be treated, but it can be managed. People suffering from glaucoma should have their eyes examined regularly and will need to continue treatment for the rest. Permanent vision loss can result from untreated acute Glaucoma. Blindness can result from untreated chronic glaucoma.

What should glaucoma patients be aware of?

To avoid worsening your condition, you should stay away from baked goods like cookies, cakes, and donuts. You may even be able to see better.