Asked by: Yuehong Dederichs
Asked in category: medical health, hormonal disorders
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

What is the treatment of nephrolithiasis?

Nephrolithiasis is a condition that involves the emergency management of renal (ureteral), colic and treatment for stone disease.

So, how do you treat kidney stones effectively?

Your doctor may prescribe pain relievers to ease mild discomfort such as acetaminophen, Tylenol, Motrin IB and others, or naproxen sodium (Aleve). Medical therapy. Your doctor might prescribe medication to get rid of your kidney stones.

Learn more about the size of a kidney stone that requires surgery. Medically, small stones of 6 mm and less that are in the urinary tube (Ureter), can be managed. Although you won't need surgery, you will be monitored by a doctor.

What are the three options for treating kidney stones?

How to treat kidney stones

  • Medication. Some medications may be required for pain relief.
  • Lithotripsy. Lithotripsy uses sound waves to break down large stones and allow them to pass more easily into your bladder.
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (tunnel surgery)
  • Ureteroscopy.

What foods can cause kidney stones?

Avoid foods that can cause stones: Chocolate, beets, spinach, rhubarb and tea are all high in oxalate. Colas are high in phosphate which can lead to kidney stone formation.