Asked by: Yaiza Eugi-Urdazi
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the standard size of a fridge cavity?

900mm appears to be the minimum width size in order to fit fridge cavities into new homes.

What size is a standard-sized refrigerator?

A professional-grade refrigerator is typically between 30 and 36 inches wide, 67 to 70 in height, 29 to 35 in depth, and 29 to 37 in high. Some smaller kitchens might consider a smaller refrigerator more common.

What is the average size of a bar refrigerator? For those who wish to give their bar a professional look, we stock bar fridges up to 307L. These large bar fridges can be used to store large amounts of wine, juice, and soft drinks.

You may also wonder: How do I determine the size of my refrigerator?

To determine how many cubic feet a refrigerator holds, measure its interior width, height, and depth. Add these measurements together. To get the best measurements, you may need to take out shelves and drawers.

What clearance does a refrigerator require?

Sides: Allow at least a 1/2 inch to one inch of clearance between walls and cabinets. Rear: A minimum of 1" and preferably 2 inches of clearance should be left. This is due to the electrical or water connection. However, it will push the fridge slightly away from the wall. A maximum of 1-2 Inches would be ideal.