Asked by: Suleyman Lamilla
Asked in category: fine art, modern art
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

What is the root word for impetuous?

impetuous (adj. )
Late 14c. "Four-tempered, ferocious;" late 15c. "Done or given with an impulsive force," from Old French impetuosus (13c.), Modern French impA(c).tueux, and directly from Late Latin Latin impetuosus (impetuous violent) (source also for Spanish and Italian impetuoso), and from Latin impetus ("attack") (see impetus).

So, what suffix is impetuous?

1 eager, headlong. Impulsive and impetuous refer to people who act quickly without thinking, or are impulsive. Impetuous refers to eagerness, violence and rashness; impetuous vivacity, impetuous desire, impetuous words.

What is impetuous? When you refer to someone as "impetuous", it means that they act fast and without thinking. He was young and irresponsible. He was impetuous and he reacted in a heated way. Synonyms: Impulsive, violent, hasty.

It is also important to understand what an impetuous person is.

An impetuous person acts too quickly or carelessly. Hotheaded and impulsive people are impetuous. You're not impetuous if you are a thoughtful person and don't rush to make decisions. It's a tendency to act in a hurry, which can lead to bad things.

Is able a root term?

-able. A suffix that means acapable, susceptible to, fit for, tending towards, given to. It is used in English as an extremely productive suffix to form adjectives using stems of all origins (teachable; photo-able).