Asked by: Lisseth Cortabitarte
Asked in category: family and relationships, daycare and pre school
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What is the problem with my toilet bowl?

The wobble is usually caused by loose toilet bolts. However, loose toilet bolts can also cause wobble. It could be corroded or broken, or too high. The person who installed the bathroom might have used a wax ring too thick. You can loosen the nuts to get the toilet to stop wobbling.

Also, you may be interested in: How can I stop my toilet rocking?

You can use plastic shims to stabilize a rocking toilet. After that, caulk the toilet. Then secure the nuts to the bolts. Don't tighten them too much as this can cause cracking in the toilet.

What is the average cost of fixing a wobbly toilet. It will cost you between $45 and $197 to fix a toilet by yourself, or $130 to hire a plumber to do the job professionally.

Plumber How Much Does It Cost To Fix A Bathroom.

National Average Cost $220
Maximum Cost $450
Average Range $130 to $310

This is how tight should the bolts on the toilet be?

Toilet bolts shouldn't be too tightened but should still be tight. Stop tightening if you hear metal against porcelain. If you feel the bolts pressing against the wax ring still, don't stop.

Do I need to caulk my toilet?

It turns out that caulking your toilet to a floor is smart. Clients claim that caulking around the toilet's base would trap water, which could cause damage to the floor below.