Asked by: Bekkaye Gasyukov
Asked in category: travel, polar travel
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the opposite to polar?

Polar(adj), a pair of opposite and equal charges. Antonyms: equatorial, noncrucial, tropic, pantropical, hot, pantropic, uncharged, same, tropical.

What is the antonym of?

Definition of Antonyms A antonym is a word which means the opposite of another word. The antonym for 'hot' could be 'cold. The root words of the word antonym are the words anti', which means 'against or 'opposite', and onym', which means 'name. The opposite of synonyms and antionyms is true.

What is the synonym for Arctic? Synonyms: glacial, north-polar, frigid, polar, icy, gelid. Antonyms: equatorial, hot. arctic, frigid, gelid, glacial, icy, polar(adj)

Then, you might also wonder, "Does polar mean cold?"

polar. The Polar idea suggests that there are equal opposites. The North and South Poles, for example, are located at opposite ends of the globe. They are both equally glacial or very cold. This is another definition of polar.

What's another name for a Polar Bear?

Ursus maritimus