Asked by: Aouicha Pflaume
Asked in category: family and relationships, bereavement, family and relationships, bereavement
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is the noun for pleasure?

pleasure. (uncountable). A feeling of happiness. (countable). A person, thing, or action that causes enjoyment. (uncountable) One's preference. (formal, uncountable). The will or desire of someone/some agency in power.

This being said, is pleasure an adjective or a noun?

adjective. A pleasure or experience that gives pleasure.

Also, pleasure is an abstract noun. It is pleasure that you can find an abstract noun for the word "please". As a noun, pleasure is the feeling of happiness or satisfaction, a state that gives rise to gratification.

What is the verb form for pleasure?

pleasure verb is please.

What is the meaning of pleasure?

Noun. pleasure is the pleasant feeling that comes with getting something you want or a good thing. Joy is a term that refers to a feeling of happiness, or satisfaction that can't be expressed openly.