Asked by: Avelina Barril
Asked in category: personal finance, personal taxes
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is the Medicare levy surcharge amount?

Share. Share. You'll be taxed more for every day you don't have hospital coverage. This adds up to at least $75 per month in taxes.

Another question is: How much Medicare levy surcharge should I pay?

You have to pay the Medicare Surcharge if you earn more than $90,000.

Do you also have to pay the Medicare Levy Surcharge if you don't have private health insurance? If they don't have any private health coverage, only those who earn more than $90,000. (singles), or $180,000. (couples). If you don’t have private insurance and make more than the above amounts, you will be responsible for both the Levy Surcharge and the Levy.

Do I have to pay the Medicare surcharge?

The Medicare levy surcharge is not mandatory for everyone. However, if you are a single person with a net worth of more than $90,000. or if you are part of a family that earns $180,000, you could be subject to it.

Who is the Medicare levy surcharge applicable to?

The Medicare Surcharge is currently applicable to Australian taxpayers, who don't have private hospital coverage and earn more than $90,000.