Asked by: Lier Zolotarev
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is the meaning of the word lament?

must regret the imprudence, lament the result a

This being said, what is the biblical definition for lament?

noun. Lament can be defined as an expression of loss. Sometimes, it is expressed through artistic expression. The Book of Lamentations, in the Old Testament of The Bible, is an example of a lament.

What does the term lamented here mean? The word "lamented" is used in the story of Daedalus (or Icarus) to describe the mixture of sadness and regret that Daedalus feels for Icarus' passing.

What kind of word is lament?

noun. An expression of sorrow or grief. A formal expression of sorrow, or mourning, in song or verse; an elegy.

Is lament an emotion or a feeling?

Lament does not just serve as a way to express emotions , but it also serves as a platform for emotion. This paper addresses lament, which is a form mourning. However, it's not about death. It's a form that expresses an existential cry as much as a child's need for to cry.