Asked by: Trenton Zuriaga
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is the length of a roll wallpaper border?

One roll of wallpaper should be approximately 27 square feet. One roll of trim/border should be approximately fifteen feet in length. This is just a guide. Just like budgeting, the wallpaper calculator will calculate how much you should round up.

How long is a wallpaper roll?


Second, how wide should the wallpaper border be? The traditional wall paper comes in rolls measuring 21 inches wide by 30 feet long. Borders come in a variety of sizes. They can be found in sizes ranging from 6 to 9 inches in width.

How do I figure out how many wallpaper rolls I need?

Divide total surface area by amount of wallpaper per roll.

  1. If your total area is 480 sq. feet (45m 2), and each roll provides 25 sq. feet (2.3m 2) of wallpaper, then 480/25 = 19.2.
  2. Round the answer to the nearest integer.
  3. Wallpaper can be purchased in single or double rolls.

What wall can a roll wallpaper cover?

A standard American roll is approximately 35 square feet. However, pattern matching and waste often reduce this to around 27 square feet per roll. The total wall widths in the room, in feet.