Asked by: Izar Hodi
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, jewelry making
Last Updated: 12th Sep 2024

What is the hardness of fingernails?

Mohs Hardness Common Objects
Fingernail 2.5-2.
Copper sheet 3
Nail 3.-6.5
Glass 4-7

What minerals are also softer than a fingernail, if any?

Mineral Hardness
INTERMEDIATE Mineral can't be scratched using a fingernail, but can be scratched using a steel nail.
SOFT Mineral can also be scratched using a fingernail

What is the best way to scratch glass with your fingernail? Only a handful of minerals can be scratched by a fingernail. The glass plate is the next step. The mineral cannot scratch the glass (hardness = 5.5) at all. This mineral scores a 4.0 on Mohs scale. (If a mineral scratches glass then you won't be able to remove the scratch . )

Consider this: How soft should a mineral be to allow you to scratch it with your fingernail?

Mohs’ 1-2, Mohs’ 3-5, and Mohs’ 3-5 are soft. Mohs’ 3-6, Mohs’ 6-9, are medium. Hard - cannot scratch with a knife, but can scratch glass. Mohs’ 6-9 is hard. A relative hardness of 6.5 indicates that the mineral can scratch orthoclase (feldspar), but not quartz.

What is the hardness factor for iron?

Intermediate hardness

Hardness Substance or mineral
3.5 Platinum
4 fluorite, iron, nickel
4a4.5 Steel
5 apatite (tooth enamel), zirconium, palladium, obsidian (volcanic glass)