Asked by: Stelu Candenas
Asked in category: business and finance, marketing and advertising
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is the extended marketing strategy for services?

The seven P's, i.e. Product, Pricing Placement Promotion People, Process and Physical Evidence make up the mix. The seven P's are Product, Pricing and Place, Promotion, People and Process, as well as Physical Evidence. The extended marketing mix (also known as service marketing mix) treats the service the business offers the same way it would treat a product.

What is the extended marketing mix in service marketing?

A service marketing mix, also known as an extended mix of marketing channels, is an integral part a service blueprint design. The service mix has 7 P's, compared to the four P's in a product mix. The service marketing mix is essentially a service that assumes it is a product.

You might also wonder, "What are the 7 Ps of service marketing?" The 7 P's of service marketing dominate services marketing. These are Product, Price (Place), Promotion, People and Process, as well as Physical Evidence. From strategy formulation through to implementation, the 7P framework is the most widely used framework for marketing strategies.

What does the service marketing mix look like?

The service marketing mix is a combination of activities that an organization uses to promote and sell tangible services. Extended marketing mix also refers to the services marketing mix.

Why is extended marketing important for service organizations?

A business's marketing mix is a combination of elements that enable it to fulfill customers' expectations and meet their needs. In recent years, it has been more common to add three elements to the traditional marketing mixture . This makes a total of 7p's. This is known as the extended marketing mix.