Asked by: Severa Merle
Asked in category: medical health, birth control
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What is the difference between PMS & PMDD?

The most common symptoms are fatigue, bloating and irritability. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder ( PMDD), is the most severe form of PMS. The difference between PMS and PMDD is that symptoms occur in days before a woman's period. Depression and anxiety can be felt all the time.

Afterwards, you might also wonder, "What are the 11 symptoms?

Common and uncommon symptoms of PMDD include:

  • Grave fatigue
  • There are many mood changes that can occur, such as irritability and nervousness, depression and anxiety.
  • Crying and emotional sensitivity.
  • Concentration difficulties
  • heart palpitations.
  • Paranoia and problems with self-image
  • coordination difficulties.
  • forgetfulness.

Is PMS considered a disability? PMS and PMDD can cause short-term disability. PMDD can also lead to psychological problems and loss of quality life. It is important to evaluate patients with PMS or PMDD pre-menstrual conditions more thoroughly.

So, PMDD is only possible before your period.

PMDD symptoms appear in the week prior to menstruation, and disappear within a few days. These symptoms can disrupt your daily life. PMDD symptoms are so severe that women experience difficulty functioning at home, work, and in their relationships.

Is PMDD considered a mental disorder?

PMDD can be described as an endocrine condition. This means that it is a hormone related disorder. People with PMDD experience more than just physical symptoms. They also have a variety of mental health issues such as depression or suicidal thoughts.