Asked by: Chaymae Ballestero
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 13th May 2024

What is the difference between Hyperpyrexia and Pyrexia?

Hyperthermia, Fever and Pyrexia are all terms that refer to an increase in body temperature. Hyperthermia, which is Latin for "abeyond heata") is an uncontrolled and sudden increase in body temperature. It can occur even above 41 AdegC [105.8F] due to a malfunction of the body's thermoregulatory system.

What is Hyperpyrexia and Pyrexia?

Hyper is an abnormally high temperature, while pyrexia means fever. When the body's temperature is higher than the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, it is called a fever. Hyperpyrexia is a condition in which the body's temperature increases to more than 106.7 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention.

What is the difference between hypothermia and fever? In that the body's temperature setting point does not change, hyperthermia is different from fever. Hypothermia is the opposite. It occurs when the body's temperature drops below what is necessary to maintain normal metabolism.

What is Hyperpyrexia in relation to this?

Hyperpyrexia can also be described as a high fever. Hyperpyrexia refers to a person who has a higher than 106.7AdegF (or 41.5AdegC) body temperature. Doctors may lower the threshold for hyperpyrexia and allow anyone who has a body temperature above 106.1AdegF, 41.1AdegC or higher to be included.

What are the signs and symptoms of pyrexia

  • Temperatures above 100.4 F (38 C), for adults and children.
  • You may feel shivering, shaking and even chills.
  • Itching of the joints and muscles or other body pains.
  • Headache.
  • Excessive sweating or intermittent sweats.
  • Rapid heart rate or palpitations
  • Hot skin or skin flushing