Asked by: Ilona Kerloc H
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is the definition of transfer RNA in biology?

The type of RNA molecule called transfer ribonucleic acids (tRNA), is used to decode a messenger sequence (mRNA) into a protein. tRNAs are found at certain sites in the ribosome, which aids in translating mRNA molecules into proteins.

What does ribosomal DNA in biology mean?

Medical Definition of rRNA-rRNA: RibosomalRNA is a molecular component in a ribosome. It is the cell's essential proteins factory. ribosomal ( rRNA doesn't make proteins. It produces polypeptides, which are a combination of amino acids that make up proteins.

How is transfer RNA made? Synthesis of tRNA in eukaryotic cell tRNA is made by a protein that decodes DNA and creates an RNA copy (pre-tRNA). This is transcription. RNA polymerase II is used to make tRNA. Once they leave the nucleus, pre-tRNA is processed.

This being said, what does transferRNA do?

The key to understanding the code words within mRNA is transfer RNA (tRNA). Every type of amino acid has a different type of tRNA that binds it and transports it to the growing end if it is required by the next code word in mRNA.

What are the main components of tRNA?

Two of the most important components of a transcript are its anticodon, and the terminal 3’ hydroxyl group. This can form an ester linking with an amino acid.