Asked by: Catinca Useche
Asked in category: medical health, sexual conditions
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is the best definition for syphilis in English?

A chronic contagious, usually venereal, congenital, disease that is often caused by a spider (Treponema Pallidum). It can cause chancres, rashes and systemic lesions. The clinical course of the disease has three stages, which are repeated over many years.

What is the best definition for gonorrhea, besides?

Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection transmitted through sexual contact. Gonorrhea, also known as the Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection, is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Men suffering from gonorrhea might experience a yellowish discharge in their penis, along with itching and burning.

What is the best definition for gonorrhea? A. a fatal, incurable, sexually transmitted virus disease that causes skin rashes. b. A sexually transmitted disease that affects the mucous membranes.

What is the best definition of pelvic inflammation disease?

Pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID), is an infection that affects the female reproductive organs. This happens when sexually transmitted bacteria is spread from your vagina into your uterus, fallopian tube or ovaries. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, or have chronic pelvic pain, you might later be diagnosed.

Which one of these STIs is caused or exacerbated by a virus

STIs can be caused either by bacteria or viruses. STIs can be caused by viruses such as hepatitis B and herpes. HIV and the human papillomavirus ( HV). STIs that are caused by bacteria include gonorrhea and chlamydia.