Asked by: Ridha Castillo Olivares
Asked in category: medical health, cold and flu
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What is the benefit of tea for colds?

A cup of hot tea, like ice for a burn, or a lozenge to treat a cough, is a great way to soothe stuffiness, sneezing, and sniffles. Hot liquids are said to help clear congestion by releasing secretions from the chest and sinuses. These fluids can also reverse dehydration.

What kind of tea is best for colds?

4 Teas to combat cold and flu

  • White tea: It destroys pathogenic bacteria just like green tea.
  • Antiviral sore throat soothers include teas with lemongrass, ginger and lemon balm.

Is tea good for the flu and cold? The best herbal teas for flu and colds are made with herbs such as ginger, lemon balm, lemon verbena, holy basil, lemon balm, and sage. These herbs can be used as antiviral sore throat soothers. Clinical trials have shown that echinacea is as effective as tamiflu, with less side effects and at a lower price.

Similar questions are asked: Why is tea good for you if you're sick?

Drinks that Help Heat can ease sore throats, stuffy nasals, congestion in the chest, and upset stomachs. A warm cup of tea can be comforting when you are feeling down. Your immune system might be boosted if you choose one that contains ginger and other herbs.

Are colds treated with black tea?

Another great home remedy is hot tea. Hot tea thins the mucus and promotes proper hydration. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants found in green and black Tea. FDA: " Flu and Colds: Time Only Sure Cure. "