Asked by: Margrett Collier
Asked in category: healthy living, running and jogging
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is the Apft walk standards?

The event is not scored. It is a pass/fail race. The 2.5 mile walk is normally done on either a 1/4-mile track or a paved road. This event walking 1.25 mi out and 1.25 mile back on a road is preferred by most soldiers.
APFT Walk Standard.
Age Male Female
32-36 35:30 38:30
37-41 36 39
42-46 36:30 39:30
47-51 37 40

The same question could be asked about the Army Apft Walk.

The APFT consists primarily of push-ups and sit-ups. It also includes a 2-mile runadone that is in the same order. Soldiers can rest for a minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 minutes between events. Each of the three events must be completed in less than two hours.

What is the passing score for Apft, also? Gender and age are used to rate the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). A 300 is the highest possible score, but you only need a passing mark. To pass, Soldiers must score at least 60 points in each event according to the APFT standards.

What are the Apft standards applicable to females, other than those mentioned?

APFT Female 2-Mile Run Standards

Age Group 17-21 22-26
18:42 62 69
18:48 61 68
18:54 60 67
19:00 59 66

What age is the Apft mandatory?

60 and Older