Asked by: Dawda Langpaap
Asked in category: technology and computing, browsers, technology and computing, browsers
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is Salesforce Mobile App?

Get started with the Salesforce Mobile App
  1. Identify the Salesforce mobile apps flavors that you have.
  2. Log in to your CRM org using the mobile application.
  3. Switch between different Salesforce organizations from the Mobile App.
  4. Navigate the Salesforce mobile application to access your data.

You may also wonder, "What is Salesforce Mobile App?"

This Salesforce mobile application provides instant access to company CRM data via a smartphone or tablet.

How do I enable the Salesforce1 Mobile Browser App? Step 1: Enable Salesforce1 Mobile Browser app. To do this log in to Salesforce from your computer and navigate towards aSetupa. Go to aAdministration Setupa to enable the Salesforce1 Mobile Browser App.

Also, do salesforces have a mobile application?

Salesforce for iOS can be downloaded from the App Store. Salesforce for Android can be downloaded from Google Play. Alternativly, you may use the mobile experience in a supported web browser. Salesforce orgs include the Salesforce mobile app.

What can I do to access salesforce from my mobile device?

There's two ways to manage the Salesforce app-running phones and tablets:

  1. Connected app policies can be used to protect Salesforce apps and manage access. This option will suffice for most organizations.
  2. Use a mobile device management solution (MDM) to implement the Salesforce app.