Asked by: Chaibia Brousse
Asked in category: personal finance, student financial aid
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What is qualified tuition reduction?

Qualified tuition reduction refers to any tuition reduction that is provided to an employee of a educational organization for the education of the employee, spouse, dependent children, certain disabled employees, and surviving spouses.

What is a qualified tuition program in this context?

Qualified tuition program (QTP), also known as a section529 plan, is a program that allows a donor to prepay qualified higher education expenses for a beneficiary at an eligible educational institution.

What is the qualified elementary and secondary tuition paid through a qualified tuition program? You can prepay college tuition for a student or contribute to an education savings fund with a Section 529 plan, also known by the Qualified Tuition Program, or QTP. The 529 plan allows you to make up to $10,000 per annum of tuition payments for elementary, secondary, and religious schools.

You should also know that tuition reduction is taxable.

Qualified tuition reduction. Nonprofit universities can offer tuition reductions to their employees, spouses or dependents under section 117(d) of Internal Revenue Code. This is a qualified tuition reduction that is exempt from taxable income.

Are ASU employees eligible for free tuition?

Eligible employees in graduate-level programs are exempted from tax on tuition reduction benefits up to $5250 per calendar year.