Asked by: Crisostomo Gomez Chacon
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is particulate Organic Carbon?

The organic matter that can pass through a filter is called dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Filters generally have a size range of 0.7 to 0.22 um. Particulate organic carbon (POC), on the other hand, is carbon that is too big to be removed from a sample.

This being said, what is particulate Carbon?

One of the most important sources of organic carbon in the ocean is particulate organic carbon. The important pathway through which photosynthesis produces organic carbon from particles is used to transfer it from the ocean's surface to deeper layers, where it can be stored.

What is an organic carbon source? The molecules that an organism uses to build its biomass from carbon are called carbon sources in biology.

Similar to the above, it is also asked: What is an example for organic carbon?

Examples of organic compounds or molecular examples include nucleic acid, fats and sugars, proteins and enzymes as well as hydrocarbon fuels. Nearly all organic molecules contain carbon and some contain hydrogen. Many also contain oxygen.

What is particulate nitrogen?

Definition of Nitrogen Pools. Organic nitrogen found in aquatic environments is composed of both particulate organic and dissolved organic nitrogen. DON means material that passes a 0.2-I 1/4m filter. PON refers to material that remains on the filter.