Asked by: Maika Zhavrid
Asked in category: home and garden, indoor environmental quality
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What is opposite of melt?

The opposite of make or become liquefied with heat. harden. set. solidify.

What is an antonym for melting?

Melt down, melt, unblock, freeze, mellow out. Mellow, melt, mellow-out(verb) to become more relaxed, easygoing or genial.

The next question is: What is the synonym for melt? Melt, meld (verb) to lose its distinctive outline or shape; mix gradually. "Hundreds of actors were melting into this scene" Synonyms : Combine, conflate.

Another question is: What is the reverse process of melting?

Fusion is an older term you might see occasionally. Solidification is the opposite process. It involves a liquid turning into a solid. The melting point is a characteristic of any pure substance. It is the temperature at which the substance melts.

What is the reverse of evaporation

Condensation is the opposite of evaporation. Condensation refers to the phase transition from liquid to gas. Evaporation is when molecules on the liquid's surface enter the gas phase at temperatures below the boiling point.