Asked by: Michelina Abdulaev
Asked in category: technology and computing, web hosting, technology and computing, web hosting
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is needed for SSL certificate?

SSL certificates on Web sites protect your session with a security technique called encryption. This prevents hackers and identity thieves from eavesdropping on your session. SSL certificates issued by companies require proof of domain ownership as well as legal documents to verify a site's legitimacy.

This being said, how much do SSL certificates cost?

The SSL certificate price varies depending on the type certificate you choose and how many domains you wish to protect. A dedicated SSL certificate is available for one domain starting at $7.88 per annum. A wildcard SSL Certificate which protects unlimited subdomains starts at $72.88 annually.

What is an SSL certificate used for? SSL certificates can be used to establish an encrypted channel between the client's computer and the server. To prevent eavesdropping, sensitive information such as account login information, credit card details, and any other sensitive information must be encrypted.

What is an SSL certificate and why do I need it?

An SSL certificate encrypts all data that flows between your website visitors and your website. All data is encrypted, including non-sensitive information like names, passwords, and banking details. An SSL certificate will increase the security of your website. It creates a private connection between your visitors and you.

What type of certificate do you require?

Certificate types There are three types of certificates. The level of security required by your website will determine which certificate you choose. A domain-validated SSL certificate is the most common type of certificate.