Asked by: Diamond Marangoni
Asked in category: science, chemistry
Last Updated: 25th Jun 2024

What is NaOH used for vanillin dissolution?

Our Vanillin was dissolved in NaOH because we wanted to protonate the aOHa on Phenol so that the NaBH4 can attack the carbonyl groups and not just the hydrogen on the H2 gas. The hydride is released, and the process continues until all four hydrides have reacted.

What is the catalyst for reducing vanillin in this context?

Vanillin's aldehyde group is reduced to primary alcohol by sodium borohydride. An excess amount of sodiumborohydride is required to ensure that the reaction proceeds to completion.

How can you convert Vanillyl into vanillyl alcohol? In a 25 mL round bottom flask, place 2g (or 13.2 mmol) vanillin and 4 mL of ethanol. To dissolve the vanillin, add a stir-bar to the flask. 2. To cool the solution, place an ice bath underneath your flask after the vanillin has been added.

HCl precipitates vanillyl alcohol in this regard.

Hydrolyzing the oxygen-boron bonds is done by making the reaction mixture acidic (pH 1) using 3M aqueous HCL solution. It destroys excess NaBH4 in the reaction mixture. c. It neutralizes excess NaOH. d. It protonates phenolic oxygen.

Why is it important that sodium borohydride solution be added dropwise?

Because too much sodium borohydride solution is added quickly, it is essential to add it dropwise. This will cause a lot heat. If sodium borohydride is added to the mixture in a hurry, it reacts similarly.