Asked by: Ayanna Yanushevsky
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders, medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What is left hemisphere responsible for?

Left Hemisphere :
The brain's left side is responsible for controlling the right-side of the body. It also performs tasks related to logic, such science and mathematics.

This is why the left hemisphere controls the right.

The brain's right and left hemispheres control the muscles of the left side of our bodies, while the left and right hemispheres control the muscles of the right side. Decussation is a cross-braining system that causes damage to one side and affects the other side of the body.

What is the left brain's function? The brain's left side controls the body's right side. If the left brain is dominant, it means that the person is more logical and academically inclined. You are most likely to excel in math and science. The digital brain is also known as the left hemisphere.

This is how you can see which side of your brain controls the left-eye.

For left-eyed people, the leading left eye can be controlled by the right side hemisphere. This hemisphere has no control over the leading hand's movements.

What happens if the left side of your brain is damaged?

Left vs. The left half of the brain, which is responsible for verbal or logical functions, is responsible for most people. This includes language (listening to, reading and speaking), thought and memory involving word.