Asked by: Ariela Guketlev
Asked in category: business and finance, environmental services industry, business and finance, environmental services industry
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is graded Bund?

Graded Bunding: Definition. AGraded bunds, graded terraces, or channel terraces are bunds or terraces that have been laid along a predetermined longitudinal grade very close to the contour but not exactly. Suitability: Bunds and bund channels are not suitable for farming operations.

What is level Bund?

If the slope is not steep and the soil's permeability is good, then absorption or level bunds can be used in areas with low rainfall. Level bunds are created along contours with the intent of holding runoff water to allow it to infiltrate into the soil.

What is compartment bunding, other than the above? Compartmental bunding is the division of a field into smaller compartments that are predetermined in size. This allows rainwater to be retained and soil erosion is prevented. Bund former is used to create the compartmental bundles. The slope of the land determines the size of the bunds.

What is a bench terrace, then?

Bench terraces are soil and water conservation measures that are used on sloped land with deep soils to retain water, and reduce erosion. They are usually constructed by filling and cutting to create a series of steps or benches. This allows water to slowly infiltrate the soil.

What is contour bunding and terrace bunding?

Terracing is a process that involves cutting wide steps around hillslopes to prevent soil erosion. Contour ploughing maintains the natural slope shape without altering it. Terrace farming alters slope shape to create flat areas that serve as a catchment area for water.