Asked by: Gibril Bristow
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is generalized edema?

Fluid accumulation that affects more than one area of the body

Know what causes generalized swelling?

Edema can occur in any part of the body. However, it is more common to be felt in the hands, arms and feet. Edema can result from medication, pregnancy, or an underlying condition, such as congestive heart disease, kidney disease, or cirrhosis.

What is the difference between generalized and localized edema? Brain edema and lung edema are all clinically important signs of localized edema. Anasarca is a condition in which edema affects the whole body.

What does it mean to have localized edema?

Ontology: Localized Edema (C0013609) Definition. (NCI_CTCAE). A condition characterized by swelling caused by excessive fluid accumulation at a particular anatomic site. Definition (NCI). Swelling caused by an excess accumulation of fluid at an anatomic site.

What are the most common causes of pedal edema in women?

liver disease or malnutrition are the causes of edema.