Asked by: Ji Atencia
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

What is florid duct lesion?

PBC's histological hallmark is the florid duct lesions, which can be described as a granulomatous damage of the bile drains. Granulomatous inflammation can be well-formed or vague. It is often accompanied by lymphocytes, varying numbers of plasma cells, and all are centered around the bile drain [6].

What is florid Cirrhosis?

A biopsy specimen of patients with florid cirrhosis shows the same picture. This lesion is characterized by severe liver damage and inflammation and can be considered a link between cirrhosis and fatty liver.

Is PBC also reversible? PBC is a chronic condition that can progress. PBC is not curable and can cause permanent liver damage. PBC develops gradually. This means that you might be able live a normal life for many years with no symptoms.

What are the four stages in PBC?

Liver biopsy is also helpful in stage PBC. It has 4 histologic stages:

  • Stage 1: Inflammation or abnormal connective tissue, either one or both, restricted to the portal areas.
  • Stage 2: Fibrosis or inflammation confined to the portal area and periportal.
  • Stage 3: Bridging Fibrosis.
  • Stage 4: Cirrhosis.

What is Ductular Reaction?

Ductular reactions (DR) are characterized by the proliferation of reactive bile ducts induced liver injuries. Symptoms of bile duct hyperplasia are often seen in biliary disorders.