Asked by: Hussain Quartararo
Asked in category: business and finance, healthcare industry
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What is denorex shampoo?

This medication can be applied to the scalp/hair to treat dandruff, as well as other itchy, scaly skin conditions such seborrheic or psoriasis. This medication causes the skin to shed its dead skin cells and slows down the growth.

Is denorex good in this context?

Denorex Extra Strength (for skin) can be used to treat psoriasis skin symptoms such as dryness, redness and flaking. Coal tar will not provide permanent relief for the symptoms of psoriasis. You may also use coal tar for other purposes than those listed in this medication guide.

Denorex is also good for dandruff. Denorex Extra Strength Dandruff Shampoo + Conditioner 10 oz. Cooling, soothing menthol makes your scalp feel clean and fresh. For Moderate Dandruff. It helps to relieve itching, flaking, and scaling caused by dandruff.

Who makes denorex shampoo, anyway?

Prell and Denorex were purchased by Scott's Liquid Gold . These three major consumer hair care brands were previously owned by Ultimark Products of Pennsylvania. They will now be integrated into Scott's health and beauty portfolio.

Does tar shampoo cause hair loss?

Temporary hair loss can be caused by OTC (over-the-counter) remedies. tar products may work, but they could stain fabric or gray hair. Some medicated shampoos can cause hair damage, because they contain harsher ingredients and are focused on psoriasis.