Asked by: Ishac Tokombaev
Asked in category: science, genetics
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What is Cri du Chat syndrome?

Cri-du-chat syndrome is not usually passed down. Most often, the deletion is caused by a random event in the development of fetal cells or eggs. Around 10% of those with Cri-du-chat inherit the chromosome abnormality.

How is the cat's crying syndrome inherited?

Cri du chat syndrome (also known as 5p-(minus) syndrome or cat crying syndrome) is a genetic condition that can be present at birth. It is caused by the deletions of genetic material from the small arm (the "p arm") of chromosome 5. Cri du chat syndrome is a condition in which infants have a high-pitched, cat-like cry.

How is Cri du Chat Syndrome diagnosed? Genetic testing may help to diagnose Cri du Chat Syndrome. A genetic test is required for anyone with a genetic diagnosis. A genetic test is a procedure that involves taking a sample from saliva or blood and sending it to be tested. It will determine if the Cri du Chat deletion on chromosome 5 has occurred.

Second, is Cri du Chat Syndrome common?

According to the Genetics Home Reference, it's a rare condition that affects only 1 in 20,000 to 1 per 50,000 newborns. It's also one of the more common syndromes due to chromosomal mutation. ACri-du chata is French for "acry of a cata".

What happens to the family members of someone with Cri du Chat Syndrome?

Cri du chat syndrome is a condition that occurs spontaneously and has no family history. One per cent of couples with normal chromosomes are at risk of having another child with Cri du Chat. Sometimes, the abnormalities of Chromosome 5 can be found in one parent.