Asked by: Yuleisy Vashisth
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

What is bone physiology and the bone remodeling cycle?

The three phases of the remodeling cycle are resorption, where osteoclasts remove old bone, reversal when mononuclear cell appear on the bone surface, and formation when osteoblasts lay new bone until the resorbed bone has been completely replaced.

It is also important to understand the physiology and function of bones.

The physiology of bone. Its mechanical properties provide support for locomotion, as well as protection for vulnerable internal organs.

You may also be curious about how osteoporosis impacts the bone matrix and normal bone remodeling cycles. Inadequate bone matrix formation also occurs in osteoporosis, particularly in the form of osteoporosis produced by an excess of the adrenal hormones called glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Osteoclasts are responsible for removing bone by dissolving the minerals and breaking down the matrix. This is known as bone resorption.

This brings us to the question: What is bone remodeling?

To meet growing and changing mechanical loads, bone remodeling is ongoing. It also helps to maintain bone homoeostasis and regulate bone marrow. Bone remodeling is a source for systemic calcium, phosphate, and can be used to replace aged or damaged bones. This helps maintain bone health.

What are the requirements for bone remodeling?

Bone remodeling involves the removal of bone that is damaged or worn by osteoclasts and the subsequent formation of bone by osteoblasts.