Asked by: Bernabea Mossner
Asked in category: technology and computing, web design and html
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What is base location iOS?

Localization refers to the process of making an app work in other languages. You will often first create your app with an English user interface and then translate the app into other languages, such as Japanese. It is a tedious process and the steps change as XCode updates.

How do you localize IOS Swift?

Click on the image to localize it. In the file inspector, under Localization click on Locate then click Locate. After you have checked French, Xcode will create some files. You should now see new files.

What is the best way to localize? Here's the general workflow of internationalization:

  1. Extract the UI strings from your application code first. Separate the textual contents into an external file.
  2. Create multiple resource files and translate each one. Each language will require a separate resource file.

Beside this, what is base internationalization?

Base internationalization is a way to distinguish user-facing strings from those that are not. storyboard and. xib files. This eliminates the need for localizers to modify. storyboard and.

What is string location?

Each translated string is assigned a unique identifier called the "Localization Identifier". It's used to search for the string in different languages and find its value in dictionaries.