Asked by: Majed Fouet
Asked in category: technology and computing, digital audio
Last Updated: 1st May 2024

What is ATOB?

Window atob() is used to decode a base 64 encoded string. It's used to decode data that has been encoded with the btoa() algorithm. It returns the string that represents the decoded string. EncodedString: This parameter is mandatory and specifies the encoded strings.

It is also important to understand what ATOB is in Javascript.

Atob() decodes data that has been encoded with base-64 encryption. You can encode, transmit and decode control characters like ASCII values 0 to 31. Use Unicode and UTF-8 strings in conjunction with this page.

What is ATOB and BTOA, respectively? Atob() decodes data encoded with base-64 encoding. The btoa() function creates an ASCII base-64 encoded string from a binary data "string". Both atob() as well as btoa() are able to work with strings.

You may also wonder, "Why is it called ATOB?"

Although I cannot locate a source right now, it is well-known that the b in this example stands for binary' and the a for ‘ASCII'. The functions are named ASCII to Binary and Binary to ASCII respectively for atob() and btoa()

What is base64binary?

Base64 is an encoding algorithm that can transform any character into an alphabet made up of Latin letters, numbers, plus and slash. It can be used to convert Chinese characters, images, and emoji into an areadablea string that can be saved or transferred from anywhere.