Asked by: Zlatan Berezewsk
Asked in category: family and relationships, divorce
Last Updated: 6th May 2024

What is another word for respondent?"

What is another name for respondent?
Accused defendant
Plaintiff prisoner
appellant The litigant
offender Suspect
Suspected person petitioner

What is the opposite of a respondent, too?

answerer, responder. Respondent , responder , answerer(adj), someone who responds. Antonyms: unresponsive.

What is the synonym for defendant? Synonyms. corespondent co-respondent defendant respondent suspect codefendant.

What does it mean to be a respondent in education, other than the above?

Respondents are people who give an answer. Your teacher may feel like she's talking to the wall on Monday mornings. However, she doesn't ask any questions because none of the sleepy students are willing respond . The word respond can be seen in respondent. It means "answer or response to".

What is a Surveyee?

surveyee. Noun. (plural surveyees). A person subject to a survey.