Asked by: Nawal Wack
Asked in category: medical health, digestive disorders, medical health, digestive disorders
Last Updated: 7th Sep 2024

What is another name for a polyp?

Synonyms. Sessile polyp growth adenomatous pedunculated polp.

What is the medical term for polyps?

Polyp (medicine). A polyp is an abnormal growth or tissue that projects from a mucous membrane. It is pedunculated if it has a narrow, elongated stalk attached to its surface. If it doesn't have a stalk attached, it will be considered sessile.

What does polypoid in medical terms mean? Medical Definition of Polypoid 1: A polypoid intestinal growth that resembles a polyp. 2 : characterized by the formation lesions indicating polyps polypoid diseases.

Keep this in mind, what does it mean to have polyps?

Polyps are an abnormal tissue growth that looks like small flat bumps or tiny mushroom-like stalks. Most Polyps are smaller than half an inch in size. Polyps are most common in the colon, but it is also possible to create polyps at other locations such as the ear canal. cervix.

Why do people get polyps.

Colon cancer Healthy cells divide and grow in an orderly manner. Mutations in genes can cause cells not to stop dividing when they are no longer needed. Unregulated growth in the colon and rectum can lead to polyps. Polyps can form anywhere in your large intestinal tract.