Asked by: Bentejui Carda
Asked in category: news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What is an indirect democracy?

Representative democracy or indirect democracy is where citizens elect representatives to create laws. Direct democracy means that citizens can vote for or against particular proposals or laws. This system was used in Ancient Greece by some city states.

It is also important to understand what an indirect democracy is.

Indirect democracy is a form of government where the people directly control the government via elected officials. Direct democracy is where the public makes decisions about their own policies through initiatives or referendums.

What are the characteristics of indirect democracy? A few characteristics of Liberal or Representative Democracy: This encourages political, economic, and social competition. There are often political parties and pressure groups. There are many candidates. It is common to have a free press and relatively free speech. There is also a written Bill of Rights.

Know also, what are some examples of indirect democracy?

Indirect Democracies: Other countries using indirect democracy include Canada, France, Australia and Great Britain. You can see that even high school student governments are a form of indirect democracy. After all, you vote for the candidates that will represent you and your classmates.

What is direct democracy and what is indirect democracy?

There are two types of democracy: a direct and indirect. A direct democracy is where individuals decide all of the decisions. They will, for example, vote on proposed laws. Indirect democracy refers to when we elect representatives who make laws for us, such as in Congress and in state legislatures.