Asked by: Asta Puy
Asked in category: home and garden, home appliances
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is an electric convector heating element?

Convection heaters are heaters that operate by air convection currents. They circulate through the heating element and the appliance's body. This heats the air and causes it to rise and buoyant. This type of heating device includes oil heaters.

It is also asked if convector heaters consume a lot of electricity.

Convector heater running cost. A 1000 watt convector heater costs 13p an hour to run continuously.

Convection heaters are also good. Convection heaters are the most common type of space heater. They use air circulation to heat a room. The heating element blows air over the heating element and the warm air flows through the room. Convection heaters are able to heat a room for a long time.

Are electric convector heaters more expensive to operate?

The Centre for Sustainable Energy estimates that a 2kW fan heater or convector will run at 28 pence an hour. A 1.5kW oil-filled radiator, on the other hand, will cost you 21 pence an hour. A 1.2kW halogen heater will run for around 17 pence an hour. Gas is much cheaper.

What is the working principle of a convector heater?

Convector heaters circulate air through an appliance and across the heating element. The heating element heats the air and then it rises to replace it with cooler air. Convector heaters are quieter than fan heaters.