Asked by: Trula Tzander
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, christianity
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is an ecclesiastical institution?

Ecclesiastic is a term that describes a member or a group of clergy who are usually associated with a Christian church. The Greek word ekklesiastes means "speaker in an assembly, church" and is used to describe someone who is associated with a church such as a priest or cleric.

What does the Bible mean by ecclesiastical?

The clergy or Christian churches are the only ones that can be considered ecclesiastical. The ecclesiastical world includes pews, readings from the Bible and stained glass windows. The ecclesiastical hierarchy refers to the rank of clergy and the highest-ranking clergy are considered to have ecclesiastical authority.

You might also wonder, "What does the ecclesiastical years mean?" noun. A calendar that is based on the lunisolar cycles. It is used by many Christian churches to determine the dates of movable feasts. Also known as church calendar. A calendar that shows the Christian year. It indicates the days and seasons of fasts and festivals.

People also ask: What is an ecclesiastical faith?

Eclesiastic is a term that describes a member or a group of clergy who are usually associated with a Christian church. EkklAsia, the Greek word for church, has influenced many English words that have a religious meaning, including ecclesial and ecclesiolatry.

What is the best way to use ecclesiastical within a sentence?


  1. The Reverend donned his ecclesiastical attire while preparing for service.
  2. The church held an ecclesiastical conference for pastors.
  3. As he baptized his newborn, the priest was extremely ecclesiastical.