Asked by: Mabrouka Zugazua
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

What is a window flange?

Vinyl and metal windows come with an integral flange, also known as a nailing pin. This attaches to your house. This flange is great for keeping moisture and water out of your home. The flange can be secured securely to the window jamb.

What is a window nail-flange?

Nail Flange: This is generally set back at least 1a from the frame's face and covers the exterior sheathing with stucco or siding. This term can also be used to describe vinyl or metal exterior flanges that have a similar profile as the wooden ones.

Do you also nail the bottom flange on a window? Only nail the bottom flange. After ensuring that the windowsill is level, attach the bottom flange at 8 in. Next, secure the window by nailing only the corners of the top edge from the outside.

What is a flush-flange window, you ask?

Flush Fin, also known as Z-bar, is a type of aluminum window that's used in California and other areas where they are installed and the exterior is stucco and masonry. These windows feature a large exterior frame flange, which is used to hide the existing window frame.

What are window jambs?

Jambs are the main components of the window's sides. The vertical component at the top of the frame is called a head jamb. It is supported by the window sash.