Asked by: Rongfen Lozivets
Asked in category: medical health, brain and nervous system disorders
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What is a Varicosity of the autonomic nervous systems in relation to smooth muscle?

Varicosity can release neurotransmitters into synaptic cleft. Visceral muscle, which is located in the walls and hollow organs except the heart, contains pacesetter cells. Varicosities, or aboutons, are a series of axon-like swellings that result from the formation of motor units by smooth muscle.

A Varicosity is an abnormality in the autonomic nervous systems.

Long postganglionic sympathetic fibers that lead from the sympathetic system to the target organ are typically terminated by bulbous enlargements known as varicosities. Modified axon ends release neurotransmitters (in the case sympathetic nervous system norepinephrine), into their surroundings.

Also, know what the swellings of autonomic nerves that release neurotransmitter from smooth muscle are called. The nerve fibers "close" to smooth muscle cells release the neurotransmitter from varicosities, which is not limited to acetylcholine.

Many people also wonder if the sympathetic nervous system is causing vasoconstriction.

Sympathetic nervous stimulation causes vasoconstriction in most blood vessels. This includes many vessels in the skin, digestive tract, and kidneys. This is caused by activation of alpha-1 receptors by norepinephrine, which is released by post-ganglionic sympathic neurons.

What does the sympathetic nervous systems do for blood vessels?

The sympathetic nervous system, for example, can increase heart rate, widen the bronchial passages and decrease motility in the large intestine. It can also constrict blood vessels, increase the peristalsis of the esophagus and cause pupillary dilation, piloerection, sweating (sweating), as well as raise blood pressure.