Asked by: Arima Lourenco
Asked in category: medical health, medical tests
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What is a speech exam?

Audiologists use speech testing to test for hearing loss. Speech Testing measures each ear's speech threshold. This test is available for older children and adults. It confirms the pure-tone test results.

What is speech recognition testing, then?

Speech recognition tests assess your ability to understand and hear normal conversations. These tests measure how soft your ears can pick up sound and how clear you understand spoken words.

What is speech audiometry used for? Speech audiometry is an essential tool for hearing loss assessment. It can be used in conjunction with pure-tone audiometry to help determine the severity and type of hearing loss. Speech audiometry can provide information about word recognition as well as discomfort and tolerance to speech stimuli.

What is a speech-and-noise test?

A Speech-in Noise test, as the name suggests, will tell you how well you are able to understand speech in noisy environments. Speech-in-Noise can give valuable information about hearing ability and can also be used to detect Sensorineural hearing loss.

What is the speech detection threshold?

Speech recognition threshold refers to the minimum level of speech recognition (ANSI 2010, 2010), at which an individual can recognize half the speech material. Speech Recognition thresholds can be achieved in each ear. Speech recognition threshold can also be called speech reception threshold.