Asked by: Kirilov Minitsky
Asked in category: medical health, first aid, medical health, first aid
Last Updated: 17th May 2024

What is a sitting lateral transfer?

Standing transfers require that the patient stand with the assistance of one or more nursing assistants. A sitting (lateral) transfer requires that the patient remain in place during the transfer, e.g. when a sliding board or other device is used.

What device can be used to do a sitting lateral transfer?


Transfer Terms Standing tranfer sitting (lateral transfer), ex: sliding board, mechanical transfer/movement
Term A safety and assistive device that is used to transport or ambulate patients who are in need of assistance. Definition transfer belt

You may also wonder what supine-lateral transfer is. When to Use: To transfer a resident who is partially- or fully-weight bearing between two horizontal surfaces, such as a bed and a stretcher/gurney in a supine position, or when repositioning the resident in bed. This type of transfer requires two caregivers.

What does lateral transfer even mean?

DEFINITION: Term used to describe lateral transfer.

What shoes should the patient wear on their feet during a transfer procedure?

Place your legs on the outside of patient's legs. The patient's feet should be flat on the ground. 6. Count to three, then rock the patient by shifting weight from their front foot to their back foot. Keep elbows in and straighten your back.