Asked by: Asuncion Burgk
Asked in category: business and finance, real estate industry
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

What is a market analysis on a home?

An market analysis is a compilation of comparable properties that have been sold in the area to determine the asking price for a seller and the soundness of a buyer's offer.

Also, what is a real estate market analysis?

A real estate market analysis or a comparative analysis (CMA) is a study on the current market value of comparable properties to yours. This helps you determine the market value for your property.

What is a free market analysis, you ask? Free Market Analysis. Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), which collects information about real estate activity in your local area, so you can determine a fair market price or listing price for the home. This is an important service that your realtor offers to help you price the home competitively on the market.

How do you conduct a market analysis?

7 steps to do a market analysis

  1. What is the purpose of your research? Market research can be conducted by businesses for many reasons.
  2. Take a look at the outlook for your industry.
  3. Pinpoint targets customers
  4. Compare your competitors.
  5. Collect additional data.
  6. Analyze your results.
  7. Your analysis should be put into practice.

Are Realtors required to conduct a market analysis?

A CMA is usually provided free of charge by most real estate agents, particularly if you're selling your house. Comparing CMAs can be a great way of finding the right agent for you.