Asked by: Empar Quiriconi
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 13th Sep 2024

What happens when you do an MRI of your brain?

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI of the head) is a non-invasive, painless test that creates detailed images of your brain stem and brain. The images are created by an MRI machine using a magnetic field as well as radio waves. In that images are not produced by radiation, an MRI scan differs from a CT scan and an X-ray.

What does an MRI of your brain reveal about this?

MRI provides detailed images of soft tissues such as the brain. These areas will appear black because air and hard bone don't give an MRI signal. MRI can detect brain tumors, traumatic brain injuries, developmental anomalies and multiple sclerosis. It also helps to diagnose stroke, dementia, infection, and other causes of headaches.

How do I prepare to have an MRI done? An MRI does not require preparation. Unless instructed otherwise, eat normal meals (before and after the procedure). If you are taking medication, continue to do so. After you have been checked in, it is likely that you will change into a gown or robe. Take out all accessories such as jewelry, watches, and hairpins.

What are the side effects from brain MRI?

They may include headaches, nausea, and pain at injection site. Contrast material is rarely allergic. Patients may experience itchy eyes, hives or other symptoms. Inform the technologist if you experience allergic reactions.

Is it possible to sleep through an MRI?

We can administer intravenously sedation medication while you're in our office if you wish to have an MRI. The medication will be administered by the Board Certified Anesthesiologist before the are scanned. During the exam, you will fall asleep.