Asked by: Tawny Wobking
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, atheism, religion and spirituality, atheism
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What happens at the end of a sound of thunder?

Travis fires his gun, and the last sound of thunder is heard. The ending of the story is ambiguous. The reader can debate whether Travis kills Eckels or commits suicide.

How does Eckels die in thunder?

We know that the last asounding of thundera is likely a gunshot. Travis could kill Eckels. He could also kill himself. Eckels makes a mistake and changes the future by stepping off the path and onto the butterfly.

What happens in A Sound of Thunder, besides the above? Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" sees Eckels, a hunter, pay $10,000 to travel with Time Safari. This time machine company takes hunters back in time to the dinosaur era and allows them to hunt Tyrannosaurus Rex. It floats six inches above the earth and is the only path the hunters should follow.

It is also important to understand the cause of thunderous sounds.

Eckels is the hunter who panics, causing history to be altered in Ray Bradbury's science fiction short "A Sound of Thunder." Eckels travels back in time to see the hunt for the Tyrannosaurus Rex. However, Eckels realizes that he has strayed from the path he was supposed to follow and returns to the present.

Why does Eckels leave the path?

Eckels, who travels into the prehistoric past, steps off the antigravity path created by Time Safari, Inc. and kills a butterfly. The anti-gravity metal hovers above the ground, so the men can walk without even touching a blade. This way, nothing from the Past can be changed.