Asked by: Caifen Eickstedt
Asked in category: medical health, foot health
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What does the term "on the heels" mean?

at the heels (someone or some thing)
Follow closely behind or shortly after someone or something. The cops are on the heels bank robbers! This new scandal comes just a few months after the last one.

People also ask: What does it mean to come on the heels?

It is very common for something to come on the heelsof something.

Also, how can you use heel in sentences? Heel Sentence Examples

  1. She walked and turned on her heel.
  2. The man crushed his heel on her already injured arm.
  3. Hagen suggested that they should "Compare the heel of Achilles."
  4. She walked away from the barn on her right heel.
  5. He rolled his eyes, and he hit his side with the heel of the hand.

What does it mean to be hard on your heels?

Definition of "Hard on the heels"/hot on heels of: When you say one event follows closely on the heels or heels of another, it means that they happen very quickly or right after each other. Bad news is often worse than the good news.

What does the back of refer to?

On the back of. phrase. When you say one thing happens behind another, it means it happens after the other thing.