Asked by: Salvina Monente
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, genealogy and ancestry
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What does the expression eighty eight mean to you?

Eighty-eight is the definition. (Entry 1 of 3) : One more than 87 - 8 years. A Table of Numbers is available. eighty-eight.

You might also wonder what 88 means sexually.

used. In sexual parlance, it is used to refer to oral sex that was performed twice (ate twice).

How do you spell 88 English? The English Words spelling of 88 is: eighty-eight

What does 88 in slang mean?

The United States Navy 88 uses slang to spell the word "what"

How do you spell 80?


  1. The ordinal number eighty in numbering, counting order, position time, etc. It is often written 80th.
  2. The eightieth consecutively (as a noun).