Asked by: Yuming Ayerdi
Asked in category: religion and spirituality, judaism, religion and spirituality, judaism
Last Updated: 7th Sep 2024

What does the door of no return mean?

The West African door of no return. This Door of No Return was the fate of thousands of captive slaves. It meant being ripped out of their homeland, a horrible journey across the ocean, and a cruel fate. GorA(c),e Island (Ale de GorA[c]e) is located 3 km from mainland Dakar. This is Senegal's capital.

Accordingly, which country is the Door of No Return in?


What is the point of Africa's no return policy? The HOUSE OF SLAVES, with its Door of No Return on GorA(c),e Island, Senegal is believed to be one of many exit points for many African slaves being brought to the Americas. Yesterday, President Barack Obama visited the UNESCO World Heritage Site. He described it as a "very powerful momenta."

You may also wonder, "Who built the door to no return?"

It was built by the Dutch and is now a museum. It is a memorial to the Black Diaspora. Between the mid-1500s to the mid-1800s, an estimated 20 million Africans passed through this island.

Where is the Door of No Return for Ghana?

This was the setting for Cape Coast Castle, a 17th-century structure overlooking the Atlantic off the coast of West Africa's Ghana.